Free Speech
Talks curated together with Gonçalo Prudêncio,
Pedro Teixeira Melo and Frederico Duarte
Navalrocha co-working space, Lisbon 2006 — 2009

Free speech was an informal platform for young creative professionals, to show and discuss their work in front of a dedicated audience. Invited free speakers: Angela Lidderdale; Miguel Estima, Paulo Moreira, Susana Soares, Diogo Terroso, Yoad David Luxembourg, Miguel Krippahl, Manuel Lima, Luís Nascimento, Sami – Arquitectos, Frost Produkt, Inês Cortesão, Daniela Pais, Leonardo Finotti, Keisuke Kitagawa, Atelier Carvalho Bernau, Harun Alikadić, MOOV, Rui Gato, Michael Hellgren, Veronika Valk, Patrick Wüthrich and Ali Tabatabai.

Links for speakers here.


